Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Weather forecast seems to have changed hourly - in the end no rain to disrupt gardening.  Both been very busy - tidied decking area and identified winter casualties in pots.  OH swept deck but Blackbirds are already busy putting it back how they like it - spreading bark around from under the feeders!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A sunny day here, but a sneaky chilly wind meant a coat still needed when out. Climbed a hill behind the town of Caernarfon, which we've noticed many times and said "We must go up there some day, I expect there's quite a view from it" --  there is!   -- photos later.

    OG  - Your garden must be coming along nicely. Glad the rain held off so that you could both get more done. We are still waiting to see how many of our many plants in pots have not survived the winter. Blackbirds do love rooting around in loose stuff, looking for beetles or something.

    Diane - Thank you in advance for finding the time to start us off again. I hope all is well with you.

  • Annette - Sounds as if you're enjoying your visit, in spite of the weather. There are a lot of German companies making kitchen equipment which is very popular here. Well made, long lasting and reliable. Nice if you can afford the prices, too!

  • I woke early, now ready much too early for 10 am flight - we are 5 mins from airport. Thank you ALL for farewells.

    Thank you OG for birthday wishes. I never mind early or late greetings - they spread the pleasure!

  • Waving madly to AQ as she makes her way to the airport.......too late to catch her now, probably.

    Not much on the tv so we watched a film on DVD with Hugh Grant in it - The Rewrite.  A bit disappointing. H. Grant appears in just about every scene, as if the whole thing depends upon him, and there was little to be excited about. One or two good comedy lines, but it was also described as a "romance" although there is little evidence of any. :-(