Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 February 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Red-Headed Woodpecker
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Just wanted to let you all know Limpy is home.  Thank you all for your kind wishes!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Brilliant, Clare!!   Give him big hugs from us all!!

  • Great to hear Limpy is home now Clare and good news that OG will be moving to her local hospital next week.

    Kind regards


  • Heather - How nice that you can look forward to seeing your brother. Hope he has a safe and easy journey.

    EE -  Thanks for further news of OG. I forgot to comment on her post, as I've been doing too many things at once recently. Good progress!!

  • Lindybird - you may be away when Awful Cousin descends, or maybe not. Hope its not too painful. Hope distant relatives recover quickly.

    EE - thanks for update on OG. Hope transfer goes well, it will be less of a journey for you when at local hospital.

    Clare - pleased to hear Limpy is home.   Get well soon, Limpy.

    Just been watching these two - Gainsville, Florida.   Reminder that it's not too far away before EJ and Odin make their welcome return.

    copyright earthcam.com

  • One more, looks like they're watching baseball practice and the people passing by

    copyright earthcam.com

  • I hadn't fetched up my emails all day but when they flooded in this evening the one entitled "Margo" stood out and I knew what it meant.

    I'm very sad to hear the news but grateful that she passed peacefully and surrounded with such warmth, thanks to her family and to Mike for passing on your messages.

    Thank you, Sheila, for posting Margo's reports from her LG stint - I had never seen them because even then I was mostly closeted in the DU - but I remember her coming home unwell, that's when I first "met" her, it was early days here for me.

    I did come here a while ago looking for the news of dear Brenda's passing but didn't find it - another stalwart, a "Good Egg" whom I will miss.

    Get well soon, OG and Limpy !!!  But the trouble with catching up on the whole thread is that one can forget to mention things/people that one made a mental note of on reading, especially if "one" is "me"... so please, everyone, be well, and thank you for all your contributions.

  • Evening all:  

    Clare: Yay for Limpy. Keep an eye on him!

    Lindybird: Awful Cousin really does seem to have no problem inviting herself, which must make it all so difficult. Had to laugh at "Watch this space." :-) Weren't you going somewhere this Friday (or was it next)? I can't keep up.   Loved the photo of the kitten.

    ForestBoar: Sounds like you're juggling so many things. Are you getting any respite care?

    Heather: That's a long drive for your bro. Good to follow your instinct though and so nice he was ready to spring into action!  How far do they live from Roscoff?

    EE: Hope OG's transfer will bring her much closer to home. Wonder when they'll let her out... I bet she hates being there. Hope you and J are coping, but I can imagine you're missing her cooking (and OG herself of course).  :-)

    Scylla: You must've missed the post about Brenda. It was about 2 or 3 weeks ago I think. That was a real shock.

    It's been so nice to see so many people who don't typically post on the Weekly Chat stop by to share memories of Margo - and Brenda. An indication of how well liked they both were.

    And yes, where are Alicat and Rosy. Is there anyone else MIA?

    Meanwhile, massive rainstorm here today. The airport across the freeway is closed a) because the road in front of it is flooded and b) because so few of the air traffic controllers could get to work because the northbound Highway 101 was closed due to flooding. It started raining at 4 this morning and rained heavily until 4 this afternoon. We got close to 5 inches of rain here and - wonderful news! - Lake Cachuma got 7-1/4 inches. Apparently it's been rising one foot every two hours. Yay!

    Anyway, having a lazy evening.  Hope Saturday is kind to all.