Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 May 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I left a long reply on the end of last week's thread.

I've got a nasty deadline this week for my project, so you all won't hear from me for a few days. I hope everyone has a great week!

Eastern Bluebird
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Morning all:

    OG/Heather: All okay here. Had multiple phone calls yesterday afternoon and evening with grandson, whose company is replacing its fleet of trucks and has offered employees first dibs. He takes care of equipment maintenance at the vineyards, has his eye on one of the trucks and - surprise! - called to explore family financing opportunities!  In between, we took friend out to dinner (his wife is off gallivanting in London with their daughter, who is currently working at the U.S. Embassy there). Got home in time for long phone call from granddaughter, who wanted to discuss multiple additional responsibilities at her job, where she's now been for 6 months, but feels she isn't being fairly compensated under every-changing circumstances. She's trying to find the balance between how much she's learning on the job and what she's being paid, plus she intends to take more classes come Fall and not sure what her long-term goal should be. So our phones got a good workout yesterday and there's a good chance the bank account will see some action too!

    Heather:  Good  your daughter now home, as OG notes, son's uncertain job situation very possibly a cause for flare up. Stress is very sneaky.

    OG: Saw on the news about the recent discoveries in London of - what wood? - with what is thought to be the oldest record of the word London (or variation) on it.  There's a book called "Under Another Sky" written by, I think, a Guardian newspaper editor, about Roman ruins in the UK. Was very interesting.

    On the topic of books, have just finished reading "The Summer Before the War" (set in England before WW1 - very sweet although a friend described it as "a bit too Wooster-and-Jeeves-y") and "Stalin's Daughter" - a fascinating and comprehensive new biography of Svetlana.

    Anyway, glad weather is good in some parts of UK and that ironing piles, vacuum cleaners, fresh lettuce plus gardens all seem to be under some sort of control.  Must get some To-Dos off the list. Back later.

  • Can l just say to all my new friends a BIG sorry for getting over excited this first week and talking way too much,it's just not getting out much, nice to talk to you all, but be asured l  have it in hand and will try and do the lists like you do, if my memory serves me well. And not get so carried away. l was just like a kid in a sweet shop.

    But l'm hopefully wise enough to know when l've over done it, so will control myself, so don't have any worrys just incase you had.

    Thanks for all your kindness and understanding. take care from Yas

  • YAS lovely pic ,thank you.

    Well our day did not improve and again it was quite cold as well as damp.( I envy all of you who are mentioning the word hot)  Anyway this made it easy to stop in this afternoon and watch yet another superb Andy Murray match.  Went for coffee with a friend this morning and for the first time in a very long time had the coffee at the battlefield visitor centre. One swallow and the coffee was gone so we felt obliged to have another at Tiso!!!

  • YAS   Don't worry, blether as much or as little as you want. We don't mind.

  • Vivienne G said:

    Can l just say to all my new friends a BIG sorry for getting over excited this first week and talking way too much,it's just not getting out much, nice to talk to you all, but be asured l  have it in hand and will try and do the lists like you do, if my memory serves me well. And not get so carried away. l was just like a kid in a sweet shop.

    But l'm hopefully wise enough to know when l've over done it, so will control myself, so don't have any worrys just incase you had.

    Thanks for all your kindness and understanding. take care from Yas

    Yas never worry about getting excited about birds and birding,Ive been birding well over 50 years and still find a lot to get excited about,like the other night out on a cold windy moor top[ looking for a small bird,a phalarope, in a pool not much bigger than a puddle. We were blooming frozen and hungry but despite not seeing the bird thought it was great to be able to get out and try.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • YAS - no worries!! I think that most of us here have times when we are very chatty and other times not so much.  

  • Some of us are just Lurkers ... ;-)

  • ANNETTE- I was reading the other day, that as well as the bank of Mum and Dad, nowadays it is the bank of grandparents! Know what you mean about the phone. Sometimes very busy:-)  I need to go back and read the title of the first book that you mentioned. I'm currently reading yet another WW2 book, fiction. I see that Jacqueline Winspear has a new book out.

  • Another cold damp day...

    So wished I was back in Perthshire with the super weather we had for our mini break.

    Garden needs attention so looking for a local goat .

    Looking at my weather App the prospect of sun at Seahouses for Puffin trip is looking good.

    OG you put me to shame with all the this and that you do.

    Heather my youngest suffers from IBS which is stress and food related. After all these years she has worked out to eat red meat or cheese she takes an antihistamine tablet first. Maybe unortadox but it works for her.

  • Lots of posts from everyone!

    Went to Friends, and we had a pleasant short stroll through some woods: she can't walk far as has a bad back some days and is still breaking in her new knee, which is taking her longer to get right because of other health problems. I didn't take our pooch in the end, as it was so hot I was worried about her being too long in the car and we wanted to sit inside with a cuppa for a chat, afterwards. If I'd taken her into Friends house we would have had no peace at all as two dogs rampaged about!

    Yas, don't worry, we know how you feel! And don't think you have to do lists of replies: reply however you like. It's just something that evolved, as some of us have been on here a long time.