The Further Adventures of Breagha

This is a continuation thread following the travels of osprey Breagha, hatched at Loch Garten in 2013. 

I put together this table to set out the big events of Breagha's life, and his migrations. I might continue trying to get it to display better, but the links to LG blogs seem to work. 




28 May

Breagha hatches, from EJ’s fourth egg

6 July

Breagha and older sibling Oighrig ringed & tagged

19 July


23 Aug

Leaves Loch Garten, roosts near Glenfarquhar Lodge, Aberdeenshire

24 Aug

Roosts on S side of R. Tay

25 Aug

Bentpath, Dumfries & Galloway

26 Aug

Nr. Newport, Pembrokeshire

27 Aug

Sheviock, Tamar Estuary, Cornwall

28 Aug

Crosses to France; roosts near Magneville, Cotentin peninsula, Manche

29 Aug

Photographed perched in marshes near Carentan, Manche

30 Aug

SE past Caen, roosts near L’Aigle, Orne

31 Aug

Turns south, roosts S of Le Mans, Sarthe

1 Sep – 4 Oct

Stopover near Loire/Vienne confluence; main roost Lac de Tetine, Savigny-en-Véron, Indre-et-Loire

5 Oct

Restarts migration, roosts Cabanac-et-Villagrains, Gironde

6 Oct

Into Spain, roosts Tagus basin nr Torrijos, La Mancha

7 Oct

R. Guadalquivir near Lora del Rio

8 Oct

Crosses to Morocco, roosts reservoir SE of Casablanca

9 Oct

Over Atlas Mts

10 Oct

Crosses Anti-Atlas mts

11 Oct

SE into Sahara, enters Mauritania

12-14 Oct

Turns SW, 20km N of Senegal river on 14th

16 Oct-25 Nov

Based Diawling NP area, SW Mauritania

26 Nov-

Travels south to Casamance region of Senegal, explores area S of river

All 2014

Settled on south side of Casamance, in mangrove swamps between Elinkin & Diantene




Settled on south side of Casamance

26 May

Begins northwards migration; roosts near Bansang, Gambia

27 May

Data missing; flies through northern Senegal

28 May

Crosses Senegal river, roosts north of Lake Aleg, Mauritania

29 May

Roosts near N1 road, NE of Nouakchott

30 May

On Mauritania/W Sahara border E of Nouadhibou

1 Jun

Spends time & roosts near Gulf of Cintra, W Sahara

2-5 June

Travels E then N to northern Mauritania/W Sahara border

5 June

Reaches oasis of Tighmert, Morocco

6 June

Crosses Atlas Mts, roosts SW of Marrakesh

7 June

Roosts SW of Meknes

8 June

Crosses Straits of Gibraltar; roosts Guadarranque reservoir

9 June

Nr Luciana, Ciudad Real

10 June

Reaches Douro basin

11 June

Starts over Bay of Biscay, turns back to near San Sebastian

12-13 June

Crosses to France, takes rest day near Pontonx-sur-L’Adour, Landes

14 June

Eygurande-et-Gardedeuil, Dordogne

15 June

NW of Mansle, Charente

16 June

SE of Mollay, Maine-et-Loire

17 June

Begins stay in Touraine

19-20 Aug

Begins migration south, pauses N of Parthenay, Deux-Sevres

21 Aug

Nancras, Charente-Maritime

22 Aug

Crosses Gironde to Medoc, travels E to Etang de Saint-Maigrin

23 Aug-13 Sep

Ranging between Etang de Saint-Maigrin & Gironde estuary; frequent roost Etang d’Allas

14 Sep

Static signal from wood nr. Saint-Dizant-du-Gua, Charente-Maritime

Tracker identified as Breagha’s, and some osprey feathers, later found by Noisette

  • "Any idea on the times of those 3 points on the 14th & that of the last point on the 13th where he was probably fishing at the resevoir at Allas?"

    Hazel. thank you for your further info as to the access situation. The times  for the 14th are given in Jess's blog as 0700 and 1300.

    "His last recorded location was at 13.00 GMT on 14 September in a wooded area 2.8 km from the east bank of the Gironde River and 2.3 km west of the town of Saint-Dizant-du-Gua in France.  His location had not changed since 07.00 GMT that morning."

    The Google earth site actually shows three points on that day so one was probably in the late afternoon.

    I am sure we all await with great interest the results of your visit.

  • The crucial time is the last time he was known to be alive (the 13th at Allas) & the first time in the woods (the 14th). Presumably he died between those 2 points or between 1st & 3rd points on the 14th.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Thanks, Alan and Hazel, and good luck, Hazel!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you for your efforts Hazel and good luck.

  • I went down to the fish farm yesterday & took a few photos of the woods where the last signals came from. The first one is taken from in front of the 2nd last lagoon, looking across the line between the last 2 lagoons,

    The sun was a problem, I should have gone in the afternoon, this is on the line of the path between the last 2 lagoons,

    & a similar view,

    looking back from the direction of the last lagoon,

    & finally a typical example of the small canals which traverse the woods

    I don't know if I'll go to the spot where he died, it's difficult to justify the risk of accident, even if I can find someone to go with me & as a search has already been done by the oncfs (who I have every confidence in), what would it achieve. I want to go but......

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Hazel. Thank you for the information.What a shame none of us can help you as I'm sure there would be no shortage of volunteers.

    It does seem that the network of streams is a significant issue as opposed to searching pure woodland.

  • Thanks Noisette. Safety first is the answer. It does look like a particularly difficult area to search with those canals crossing the woods.

  • Duplication - deleted!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thank you so much for making the effort to see the area, and for the photos. The dangers are clear and your safety is paramount. We still may learn more from the official search party.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • It's great that you managed to go to the area HinNH & get those pics to share with all of us following this tragic event which show only too well what difficulties there are to overcome!  I agree with the others that you should not put yourself in any danger of injury especially as there is a trusted search team on hand who can watch out for each other!

    Let us hope they will be successful in discovering Breagha's last location!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr