The latest data on our young ospreys has been downloaded by Mike. Breagha has bit the bullet and left the UK, making a safe crossing across the channel to Normandy. Oighrig on the other hand is still making good progress but looks to be doing a U-turn in a similar manner to Caledonia last year. The data for 30th August was not available yet so here is the latest for 28th and 29th August.



He moved into France on 28th August passing South of Plymouth before turning SE near Kingsbridge to cross the English coast and venture SE over the English Channel to cross the French coast of Normandy near Biville at around 14.00 GMT.  He continued SE to roost near Magneville in Normandy.  A total journey of around 230 km.

He had a leisurely day on 29th August travelling only 30 km or so roosting at 19.00 GMT 7 km SW of Carentan, still in Normandy.  En route he spent the hours between 11.00 and 17.00 GMT around canals and a small lake presumably looking to stock up on food.  If the recent days are anything to go by he will probably make a long journey on 30th August.





He continued his long journey South with little let up in progress travelling some 470 km in the two days.

He left the roost early on 28th August travelling South.  At 15.00 GMT he was in the Sierra Nevada Mountains flying at 175 km altitude and changed direction to SW eventually coming to roost at 19.00 GMT W of the town of Granada.

An early start again on 29th August travelling SSW, changed direction to SSW at 09.00 GMT near Arenas Del Rey near Lake Bermejales where he may have stopped for breakfast.  He passed just North of Malaga and Marbella before turning NW at 13.00 GMT to turn in land.  He roosted at 19.00 GMT West of the small town of Jarana and 18 km West of Cadiz.




She appears to have stayed on the Rio Guadalquivir and Rivera De Huelva area for the last 3 days.


If Oighrig hangs around Spain and Breagha manages to catch up we could have three Loch Garten ospreys in Spain at the next report!  The next download won't be until Tuesday so we'll all have to be patient in the meantime.