Magic Moments at Leighton Moss Yesterday

Just wanted to share a few ( for me )magic moments with every one. Feeding a Robin from my hand in the afternoon. Cheeky chap ! Watching my wife crawl around on her hands and knees with her new Macro lens photographing Tiger Moth caterpillars. Being in the Grisedale hide with a hot flask and plenty of ham sandwiches when its tipping it down outside ! And last of all meeting a really nice chap late evening and finding out he only lives a mile or so from me and my wife
  • Hi Hope you had a great time. Looks like the weather was kind to you, as it was a little mixed here. LOL !

    Hope you got plenty of pictures.

    Glad to see you got on the Serenity boat, I take it Andy is still the skipper ?

    We are both counting down the days until we go there, I think it's around 4 weeks until we can relax, and put our feet up.

    Love the local Kippers for breakfast !

    Managed to get some more time with the new Macro lens and I've posted a couple of pics on Flickr for my brother so see.

    The Cockchafer was taken at LM the week you were away. Spotted a few in the afternoon.

    Managed to pick a good day and had a great picnic, as the place was deserted ! Apart from the Deer near the lower hide sunning there selves.

    Can't understand why it was so quiet ?

    lovely day !!!

    Regards Andy

  • I did go on the Serenity II and Andrew, was the skipper, Andy was his mate :) so there are two :)
    I made the best of the week, sadly Sandra needed blood before we went but we were booked in so she left it till we got back home, she is going in tomorrow for a couple of units of blood this will keep here going for about a month then she will need some more :(
    We too had Kippers for breakfast, got them from Swallow Fish who Smoke them just round the corner from the cottage we stayed in.

    Swallow Fish

    I will pop over and have a look at the pictures you have taken with the new lens, I like you have been to LM and its been empty strange when it’s a nice day!!
    Can’t say I have ever seen a cockchafer.

    Regards Jim


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  • Lovely photos :)

    Re Broad-bodied Chasers, both sexes are yellow-brown when first emerged. The males gradually (over several days) develop blue pruinescence (a sort of dusty 'bloom') on their abdomens as they mature. The same thing happens in Scarce Chasers, Blue-tailed and Keeled Skimmers, and some of the emerald damselflies. ETA - James, your first photo looks like an immature male. Females have much shorter and wider-spaced claspers (the little sticky-out bits at the abdomen tip).

  • Thanks, aiki, I will remember that, hope to see some more the next time I’m up there.



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