Monday and a beautiful day again.

There have been some ups and downs over the weekend, however far more ups!

We have welcomed to the reserve RSPB Local Groups; firstly on Saturday the Cheshire Group led by Paul Grimmett. As I was welcoming them in car park, the shout went up “Red Kite!” spotted soaring above us in the clear blue sky, a great start to the day. On Sunday we welcomed members of the Wolverhampton Group, led by Barry Proffitt. Both groups enjoyed their day with us, sighting amongst several other species, Redstart, Pied Flycatcher and Tree Creepers as well as our resident Sparrowhawk doing his well known flythrough “take away” in front of our Coed y Capel hide.

The major “down” is the uncooperative behavior of the Peregrines at our Date with Nature site, they have not shown now for about 36 hours. However there is still plenty to see. Ravens with young, Goosanders in a nesting box, Great Crested Grebe, again we believe nesting, Pied Wagtail also looking to nest right by the hide. There is also Pied Flycatcher nesting in a box close by.

Also today, a first for the year, Grasshopper Warbler has been heard.


Today we welcomed to the reserve Gary Prescott, who is in the middle of an epic journey by bicycle, visiting every RSPB Reserve in the country. We wish him well as he continues his journey. For more details of Gary's travels go to 



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