Been away at the Members Conference for the last few days - well worth going - lookout for details and book for next year!

Well its all happening in my absence! An Osprey has been seen on and off for the past three weeks, and an Otter at the Lakeside hide, currently our “Date with Nature” site.

Migrants are coming in thick and fast now, Ring Ouzel in the Gadfa area, Redstarts, Pied Fly and Willow Warbler seen. “Chiffchaff numbers seem down this year”, reports Jim, our Warden. Goshawks in two areas look promising and Crossbills seem to around in numbers and breeding well.

Jim hopes to start monitoring Hen Harriers and Merlin soon. News later I hope.

Finally a reserve first, on the 4th of April a Mediterranean Gull on the Lake.

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