Do you know about our Life Active Blanket Bog Project here at Lake Vyrnwy?

We have special team working on our high moors conserving and restoring our blanket bogs.

So why are bogs important? Not only do they create an environment for many specialist plants, insects and birds but they are also a very important resource for combating climate change. The bog is a huge carbon store that needs to remain locked away. By protecting the bog, we can keep this carbon on the moor where it belongs, rather than allow it to be washed away or released into the atmosphere.

In the late 1940’s and 50’s many ditches or grips were dug on the bog in an attempt to drain these boggy areas for grazing livestock. This resulted in the peat drying out and eroding, lowering the water table.

Over the last 4 years, our team has been blocking these grips, thus retaining more water on the moor and facilitating the regeneration of the peat. This also improves water quality, which is important to the water company allowing it to supply good drinking water to Liverpool and district.

During the winter months “Aliens” have been seen on the moors - more about them in a later edition!



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