Looking for some help

Hi Old Moor and Members,


I just wondered if any could offer me any tips or recomemdations, I'm off to Mull in 3 weeks to hopefully see the White Tailed Eagles and just wondered if any body had any tips on where to go walking, any good restauraunts, and any great watching spots with guaranteed raptors and anything else that I might find handy.

Does any body have a bird list either for Mull or know where I could find one?


Thanks so much


  • Quite a few folk who use the forums have been birding in Mull - I'm not one of them, sadly. You might want to re-post your request in one of the more general forums, such the Tea Rooms (http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/chat/f/2542.aspx) or Where to Watch Wildlife (http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/wildlife/f/1920.aspx) where more people will see it.

  • Hi Roger

    Using a guide for a day will pay dividends - David Woodhouse is a really good bloke and a good honest Yorkshireman to boot. His website is here - http://www.torrbuan.com

    He also does very good dinner bed and breakfast. I last stayed in Mull in Feb so much of the place was closed so can't help with many places to eat. We got a very good winter deal staying at Glengorm Castle which was superb but won't be within everyones budget range.

    There are lots of good spots for eagles and otters all over the island. I'd try the west of the island - Loch Na Keal and Loch Scridain (spelling might be wrong!).

    Send me a message if you want further site details and I'll try and help.



  • Roger,

    Got stacks of info as stayed on Mull many times. I'm at OM tomorrow as I'm a volunteer there. Let me know if you'll be around and I'll bring maps, walks, etc. in for you. Plenty of good eating places in Tobermory and Salen. For WT Eagles see if you can book on trip from Ulva Ferry into Loch Na Keal as you'll get some fantastic photos.



  • Hi, I`m off there in June and would welcome any info too.


  • Thanks so much for this. Roger

  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for this, I wont be over now until the 14 march but thanks so much for offering to help.  If you are at Old Moor that day then let me know and i'll make myself known on the way in.  I have booked a day trip on Mull Charters which I found on the net where they take you out and feed the WT Eagles so hopefully this will be everything they promise on the website. Loch Na Keal sounds like a definate place to visit, Mathew also mentioned this.

    Thanks again for replying.

  • Thanks Matthew thats great, I'll check out your guide, sounds like a good idea and starting point.

    Thanks again for your reply.

  • Loch Na Keal and Loch Scridain also good for otters. I'm at OM every Friday if this helps. Mull Charters is very good - use a 70-200mm lens if taking photos on a DSLR as anything of longer focal length means that you might miss the bird taking the fish as they are very agile!


  • Rich,

    See my comments to Roger - same applies to you. I'm in every Friday at OM if you want to chat. Let me know and I can bring info in with me.


  • Hi Dodge

    My friends and I have been going up to  up Mull for the past four years, fabulous place. We are travelling up on the 29th of this month to visit new and regular haunts. I note that you are booked on the boat trip with Martin Kievers of Mull Charters, smashing bloke and I guarantee you will see sea eagles. Martins wife also does bed and breakfast at very reasonable price approx £30 a night and the breakfast is very good. They are originally from Barnsley.

    There are some nice eating establishments on Mull here are a few.

    The Mediterranean in Salen village is excellent for Italian and other good dishes.

    The pub/hotel on Salen high street is also ok for pub food, they count venison as pub grub some nights.

    The coffee shop opposite Mediterranean is very good for lunches or just coffee and cake, proprioter is a bit of a photographer and the pictures on the walls are excellent.

    The Ann Bylnn near Dervaig is good, they provide free taxi service to and from if you are not staying miles away, they went to Salen last year.

    The oldest pub/hotel on Mull which is in Dervaig village called The Bellachroy is very good, traditional interior, if you like fish the seafood platter is enormous as is the meat platter, enough to feed two, and the ale is good.

    There are others such as The Glenforsa Hotel a little pricey but the menu is varied and you can find a bargain.

    Bird sites are innumerable, I would recommend a trip to Iona to find the corncrake, we are lucky have not failed yet. There is the official Forestry/RSPB eagle site which costs £6, it moved last year to its new location,can only use there scopes and they are stict on camera usage.

    Treshnish area is good for both Golden and Sea eagles. Otters can turn up anywhere you just have to keep your eyes peeled.

    A very good web site to look at is 'Mullbirds online' very comprehensive and gives lots of information on species and where the have been located.

    Hope this is of some use and have fun perhaps we might see you there.

