Big Bully

This poor Heron was continually dived bombed and eventually he decided to fly off scared :)
  • So how do I post the complete set of pics and show the photos in line with the text?

  • Click the "use rich formatting" link bottom right and then choose the 9th icon along to insert photos. Good luck.

  • Hi Lee, you could perhaps try the following:

    When you are signed in, go to the top of the page (on the right hand side) and click on ‘settings’(In the black bar). Select the tab which says ‘advanced options’. At the part which says ‘Content Editor’, make sure that this is set to ‘Enhanced’. Once you have done this, click on the ‘save’ tab at the bottom left hand side of the same page. (You only have to do this once, as it will always stay this way once it is saved). Then take a look HERE, where all should be explained.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Thanks for the help guys.  I use forums all the time and have done for years but have never come across a site that makes it so hard lol.

    Anyway here is the set where I saw the Heron being bullied:

    Don't look round....

    What do you want?

    Leave me alone!

  • Well worth the trouble Lee. Nice set of shots.


    My bird photos HERE