We are definitely missing seeing all your photos so how about using this thread to upload your pics until such a time as the upload button in the gallery is working. I'll start with a photo of a goldfinch from the garden hide. :)
Thank you Roland, lovely photos :)
Agree Nicola - I especially like the snipe.
Happy New Year all you OM & DV peeps ... wonderful pics on here!!
Thanks for sharing!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Here's a GSW from a visit last week.
A Pochard, a thrush smashing a snail, and a yellow hammer, and a Happy New Year to one and all heres to a great years shooting and spotting.
Still can't get photos to upload, will they error if the file size is too large?
I do believe you can get an error if the file size is too large James, if you go to the folder were the picture is and right click on the picture with the mouse click on Properties and see how large the file is and tell us.
Forgot to say have a look at what type of file it is too.
My Pictures
My Fbook Group
James, the most common upload error is to do with the name of the file. It's worth checking that too. All files on the site have to have unique names so, if you are trying to upload say, goldcrest.jpg, then the chances are that the name has already been taken. I hope that helps.
I usually reduce the Jpeg by about 40% from the original camera size to get it under 1mb. That seems to work OK.
Edit: I do this using Graphic Converter on an iMac.
Hi James, I use Windows image resizer, it's a free tool and very quickly resizes images but you still have a 'large' image....