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Old Moor Photos and blog

Hi folks...It's with regret that I won't be commenting or posting anymore photos of my visits to Old Moor ..I'm getting very tired and irritated by the constant bickering and sarcasm on photos and even threats of violence and hidden racism by certain people to members..I never joined the web site to have sarcasm directed at me, nor have I taken the threat of violence to it's inevitable conclusion..I've enjoyed my time on the blogs and will still visit on a regular basis where I can be approached at anytime by anyone wanting to discuss things with me...I hope those that have looked at my photos have enjoyed them and I'll still be around taking them...Just not opening them up to sarcasm on this web site...I'll still keep enjoy seeing all your focus or not...BYE...Mel
  • Thats a very sad thing to hear Mel, unfortunately its always the one clever Dick that spoils it for the masses :-(

  • Hi Mel. You shouldnt let tittle tattle stop you posting your photos. They are very good and sharp. I believe that you enjoyed sharing them for all to enjoy like myself. I'm still learning photography and enjoy meeting the genuine civil people who come to site like you. I wish other people would stop sniping, talking  rubbish and creating a bad atmosphere. I  enjoy listening to you guys and hopefully improving. You know I tried to rise above this as I said when I messaged you and made my concillatory gestures. I wish the person at the centre of this would a) think about doing the same, and she'd b) stop stirring the pot. If I see you on site I'd like to say hello and try to be at least civil. I wish others, one in particular would be sensible enough to do the same and we can all move on.

  • No one has stirred any don't lay the blame on someone else for has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else and nothing has been said to me.... I read between the lines on comments,..Nothing else...I'm sick to the teeth of reading absolute rubbish and hidden meanings, insults and sarcasm....I used to enjoy my time at OM...But that's taken a darker turn ....I am done...I won't respond to anymore comments in any form....I have no hate or malice to you or anyone and will be as polite as dragons den...I'm out.

  • Ibid except stirred.
  • When someone with a little power, self-appoints themselves judge and jury, and abuses that position. they should be accountable. I don't give a stuff that people think I'm in the wrong. The record of where the problem  arose is there. I like you, feel that you have to stand up to injustice and such. I'm still waiting for this to be made clear so that the tit-for-tat stops. I never wanted this, never, but it was targeted at me, and this victim will stand their ground, as you know.  I am determined to at least get the facts straight, then you can take me or leave me as you wish onsite. But I go there to enjoy wildlife and meeting sociable people with no other agenda.

    As I did from the start!

    People have picked arguments in this unnecessarily.  No-one who wants to visit site should feel uneasy, and they should be able to share photos and sitings in the book fairly. There. I'm done too. If anyone wants me they're welcome to a pragmatic conversation. I saw a common buzzard, marsh harrier and kestrel at old moor today. Enjoyed.a walk round and a cup of tea in the cafe. Great place to visit.

  • I'm new to this too (12 months or so) and I've quickly found out there's some funny folk about especially when it comes to photography.  I keep myself to myself as much as possible.  I enjoy the solitude of Old Moor and just enjoying the wildlife and I pretty much don't get involved with anyone else when I'm there.  The same goes for my photography which I do for my own enjoyment and if I can help others I will but I don't really care what they think of my pictures.  

    So I don't blame you if you choose to keep yourself to yourself and just enjoy taking pictures.  It works for me.

  • As this thread has now deteriorated, it will be locked, so as to avoid further upset. Please can I remind all forum users of our terms and conditions: