Butterfly Count

Hi all at Old Moor, I just wondered if anyone is going to do the butterfly count this month. 19th july to 10th August. I have registered to do it at home but not sure if I will have time to get across to Old Moor. just go to web site bigbutterflycount.org to register. Ken Sykes
  • Like you, I have registered to do it at home but OM would make for a great set of results.

  • OM would be fantastic. I lost track of how many gatekeepers and others I saw there yesterday. :-)

  • Hi All,

    We do a butterfly count every fortnight at Old Moor while butterflies are on the wing and share our results with Butterfly Conservation. We will continue to do this throughout the Big Butterfly Count period too.

    We will also be encouraging visitors to get involved during this time by giving those who are interested, record sheets and asking them to spend 15 minutes in an area of their choice on the reserve and submitting their results if they return them to us.

    I also do it a few times over the period in my own garden and will be having a go at using the special, free app for the first time, that I've downloaded onto my phone! :)

  • Hi Jo, that's brilliant news! I did my fifteen minutes after cutting the lawn (next to a buddleia) this morning. Every little helps eh?