Dearne Valley home page

Just a note to say that the front page appears to have "stuck" again and is not updating with the latest blogs and photos - the last update on the front page was a week ago. Cheers.

  • The site seems to be running like a giraffe in sand pit at the moment! Thumbnails of pics do not show in the photos tab and the front page may or may not be a current version. Hmm.

  • Andrew, I like the description! :-)  But you are right - thumb nails disappear and reappear at random, with or without a hyperlink. And, when clicking on the thumbnail, sometimes the photo appears, other times not! All very odd....can the web team fix it please?

  • Thanks Bob. I noted a suggestion in the link that file sizes should be less than 1mb - this seems unrealistic for the galleries - modern multi-million pixel cameras typically produce files 5-10mb and surely, the point is that we want to retain the level of detail these expensive cameras and lenses produce for others to enjoy rather than downsizing the image and losing detail? Hmm...

  • Just to chuck in my three penno'th. WHilst I do appreciate that I've not been posting in the gallery here, though that may change soon,

    I've just been having a quick look at file sizes on a particular photo

    My Olympus E-5 has a

    raw file size of 12,123KB

    In camera SHQ jpg of 8,940KB

    but when you re-size/re-sample the jpg to a reasonable 1600x1200 pixels and 72dpi, which is prabably all one really need for normal web viewing, the file size drops to 981KB, which is within the 1Meg limit.

    I do appreciate that one would need full resolution for printing, but arguably not for web use