Glad I changed days for my Old Moor visit!!

Well thank goodness I decided to change the day for my visit to Old Moor, I attended yesterday instead of today because of the weather warning. I know the birds are still active in all weathers but it's just not as comfortable.

I have decided to try and post 3 compilations rather than flood the site with many images. Unfortunately I have to drastically resize them to get them on the site so I hope they still show clearly?

The Spoonbill was very active over and around Wader Scrape yesterday, it flew, bathed and preened, albeit at a fair distance photographers alike were treated to some great image opportunities.

The Herons, as per usual, were there in abundance and did not fail to entertain! The "Battle of Britain" fight between the Gul and the Heron was fantastic and lasted a fair while. Then there was a territory battle between 4 herons, noisy and exciting too! Good day fishing for all.

Lets not forget all the other species there today, some fantastic sightings and a busy hide. 

I was lens/camera  testing today and it was great to have so much varied subject matter to capture.

Just to finish, a flypast by one of the Herons! Someone stated they were common yesterday? Yes there are many of them but lets admit it they provide extraordinary photographic experiences and they are always a major topic of conversation in the hides.

Another great day....Thank You Old Moor!! As arnie said  "I will be back"

Off the beaten track in relation to this post but my day started lovely with a baby grass snake sighting in my very own back garden. Yes there's loads of trees, shrubs n ivy, but its also home to two Rottweilers and 2 cats!!! Well it must feel safe  ;-)

Note: All images appear in low resolution.