Website still not fixed.

Been trying to post a pic on the OM gallery tonight, but I am getting the old message again about the administrator not allowing duplicate posts. This is an old problem that seemed to be fixed, but has now come around again. Anyone else having the same problem?

  • Have you tried renaming your photo,,,for example instead of just heron..try heron and fish, or heron on Monday or heron in the morn...give another title a go

  • I just tried too mike  its not playing again

  • Thank you Alan, but no, I don't want to use your link. I have followed similar llnks before, and have concluded that they are just a vehicle for getting all the posts in one place - so making it easier to administer all the spin and male bovine manure to the masses!

    The 'techies' are - or should be - fully aware of the problems after all this time and shouldn't need telling by me. Regrettably, they don't seem to have the competance to deal with them.

  • Thank you Alan again.

    In reply to your second post - I'm a photographer. I do know how to size a picture for the web!

    In reply to your third post - I don't want to have to jump through hoops to post a picture on the OM gallery. I just want to do what I always did in the past before this fiasco started. Also, posting from a link outside the group doesn't solve the problem does it?

  • Oh dear - not more problems.  

    I've not tried to upload since the weekend but I can quite understand Mike's frustration.  

    It worked, then it was upgraded and now it doesn't - not really progress is it?

    Surely the journey should start with the end users' (customers') needs. The system should then be designed to meet these needs (and not ever the other way round).

    If not, then as in business, customers will sadly vote with their feet.

  • I just tried to upload a photo to the gallery and it worked with no problems at all....all very strange!

  • Tried again.

    Photo title Ruddy Darter - Still not working, same reason.

    Changed title to Ruddy Darter Dragonfly - Still not working - apparently, but when I went back to the thumbnails my pic was there.

    What a farce this is!! Will it ever end?

  • Hello Old Hilmian, I am sorry to hear that you feel that using one post is "male bovine manure", but our techies find this approach extremely useful in narrowing down and then addressing and tackling any problems that folk might be experiencing. The post below (should you wish to take a look) will outline what we are doing thus far:

  • Unknown said:

    Thank you Alan, but no, I don't want to use your link. I have followed similar llnks before, and have concluded that they are just a vehicle for getting all the posts in one place - so making it easier to administer all the spin and male bovine manure to the masses!

    The 'techies' are - or should be - fully aware of the problems after all this time and shouldn't need telling by me. Regrettably, they don't seem to have the competance to deal with them.

    Hi Old Hilmian,

    I'm one of the techies here and the one responsible for capturing any issues arising from the upgrade. We're doing our very best to scour the community to gather feedback and deal with issues, but the volume of posts we get across all forums and blogs makes it difficult to spot every issue unless they're posted in one place. It also allows those interested in our updates to see what we're doing, and those not, to continue with their conversations without us interrupting.

    We'd like people to post issues here for now so we don't lose sight of them, many people are posting photos and such with success, so we were not aware of this issue, we are now though and I will add it to our list.

    More than happy to have a direct conversation with you to get to the bottom of the issue and see what we can do to alleviate your pain.

    If you'd like to send an email into our mailbox, I'll personally pick it up and either email you or give you a call.

    I can assure you though, we're not trying to "spin" anything to anyone, we're as keen if not keener than our community users to ensure you're able to use the community without issue.... It certainly makes my job easier when things are going smoothly.

    I look forward to your email.


  • just want to highlight a problem when you comment on someone`s picture`s the text is writing through the persons profile picture and is un readable could you also look into this please

