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Our garden has always had a thriving starling population, but it seems in the last week or so they've invited friends! At dawn and dusk the hedges are noticeably fuller than they've ever been. Yesterday morning I woke to what I can best describe as sounding like an Australian rain stick - a constant rain-like noise through the double glazing. Groggily, I opened the curtain to find out what was going on, and found a world wreathed in fog, and literally somewhere in the region of a thousand starlings turning every inch of our hawthorn hedge and pine tree black! I pulled back the net curtains to get some footage on my mobile phone, sadly spooking them, and they flew off in a huge cloud. They haven't been back in such numbers since, but the flock has been around enough that I'm sure we'll see them either in the garden or in the local area.
I'm just hoping we don't get an ASBO for harbouring noisy starling flocks!!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Wow Maisie, that must have been some sight. What a shame you missed a photo.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Gosh that must have been a sight! Let alone the sound!! When I lived in Lyon in France many years ago, thousands of starlings used to roost in the trees in a square near to our home and I remember how noisy they were!! Brilliant!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Wow Maisie! How exciting to see many, so close to home. Hope they come back to you again. I haven't seen a single one in our garden for ages.
There is something new to learn everyday...
That must have been an incredible sight. I know of someone in Gloucestershire who is seeing a lot but nothing like the numbers you have got. I hope you don't have to feed them all but at the same time I do hope they return now you are ready for them, photo-wise.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
What a sight to start your day with. Brilliant. It would be fantastic if they return. Hope they do.
They came back! And this time I had my camera ready :)
Sky above the house:
Coming in to land:
One half of the hedge:
The other half:
The whole garden. All those dots are starlings!!
Heading out again:
There are some more photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/maisiehexagon/sets/72157623390115002/
On one of the photos you can just about see a patch of water through the hedge to the left of the pine tree. Behind the hedge is some common land that we took over as the drainage is very bad and has flooded the garden in the past. The idea is to eventually build a proper pond. With the recent wet weather the land has become waterlogged anyway and the starlings were queueing up in the hedge for a bath!
Really dramatic pictures Maisie. So pleased that you were able to get your photographs.
I wonder how often they will continue arriving.
Wow Maisie you got a few there, lol
Gald you got them with your camera this time
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Hi Maisie
Superb photographic effects of the Starlings. {big smile}
What a large flock for your garden area.
Wonder if they are going to use your garden as an area to stop off on a regular basis.
Kathy and Dave
Amazing sight. The noise must have been defeaning!