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Personal murmuration!

Our garden has always had a thriving starling population, but it seems in the last week or so they've invited friends! At dawn and dusk the hedges are noticeably fuller than they've ever been. Yesterday morning I woke to what I can best describe as sounding like an Australian rain stick - a constant rain-like noise through the double glazing. Groggily, I opened the curtain to find out what was going on, and found a world wreathed in fog, and literally somewhere in the region of a thousand starlings turning every inch of our hawthorn hedge and pine tree black! I pulled back the net curtains to get some footage on my mobile phone, sadly spooking them, and they flew off in a huge cloud. They haven't been back in such numbers since, but the flock has been around enough that I'm sure we'll see them either in the garden or in the local area.

I'm just hoping we don't get an ASBO for harbouring noisy starling flocks!!

A closed mouth gathers no foot.