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What is going on in my nestbox??


Hi everyone

Ive had a male sparrow roosting in my nestbox all winter. The last week or so I have noticed that the sparrow has a female mate, who has also been going into the nestbox.  This morning I took a look to see if theres any activity going on, and both the male and female were in the box together, seemed to be just staring at each other LOL, theres also bits of nesting material that they have started collecting in there.  I was so excited.

I have been keeping my tv on so that I can hear when they enter the box, and they are both coming and going, but not sure if its my lack of experience, or wether this is normal behaviour......but the male comes into the nestbox, and is very vocal, and he wont shut up until the female comes......however when the female comes into the box, the male seems agitated and then the female starts pecking him like mad......poor sparrow.....then he flies off......but the female just sits there and tweets now and then, as if shes waiting for him to come back.  Is this the usual behaviour of a pair of sparrows?? I am really hoping so, because Im really hoping to see baby birds this year.

Here are some pics I took earlier, not brill quality.

The female is still in the box now as I write!!
