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Rowan tree

My friend bought me a Rowan tree from tesco (bargain £4) which I have planted today in my back garden.

Slowly but surely my garden is becoming more wildlife/bird friendly... in a few years when they mature I hope it brings some new visitors to my bird feeders.

  • Sounds wonderful BFUK - have been looking for one for my garden which I am going to grow in a very large pot - can you tell me how big it is???


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good work BFUK!!!

    Always good to include structure to the garden which will provide long term gain. The Rowan may well attract winter Waxwings as Alan has stated but keep in mind they like good drainage and don't enjoy water logging. Always worth considering if you haven't already!?



  • I was going to grow mine in a pot of ericaceous/soil mix because I live in a chalk quarry & I read that they don't like it too limey and at least I'll be able to manage drainage that way too!  


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi guys, the tree is about 4ft already so its a good size, my friend who bought it me said it would suit the garden because of my soil and drainage (he knows his stuff)

    happy to report that the tree has bought me good luck already as I had 3 siskins in the garden yesterday before I went on my stag do! was lovely to see them back after being on my feeders last spring.

  • We have a lovely rowan in the front, reasonably mature but doesn't take up too much space. It was great to watch the blackbirds warring over the berries! It's on clay soil that does get waterlogged/wet when we have heavy rain, but is quite happy.

  • Mine is planted now and coming along, cant wait for it to grow. I just need a little patience with my garden as when I moved in it was too open (new). Since moving in I have been planting some nice shrubs and trees to help attract more birds,

  • Good work BFUK!!! It's great to hear when others gardens are starting to take shape and encourage wildlife, it does however become very addictive!

    One thing missing though is some pictures as you go along and the garden starts to take shape so that we can all see it as well!!!??....



  • Well done BirdFeederUK     That reminds me I need to buy my Rowan Trees soon   !!     with a welcome sign saying WAXWINGS RESTAURANT    lol  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I am happy to report that I now have my Rowan - an ornamental called 'Autumn Spire' which has interesting bronze/russet leaves & golden yellow berries (hope the birds approve) - will grow it in large terracotta pot as I have small chalky garden!  Also have weeping crab apple, Malus Sun Rival,  which also will be pot grown and a Cotoneaster Cornubia which grows to 20 metres but am going to train over large arch - it is evergreen too with clusters of drooping red berries & I think it might look quite impressive!  Will post some pics when all in situ - also am waiting for Amelanchier lamarckii & Ribes White Icicle bush.  Just waiting for this pesky wind to die down a bit!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi! I bought exactly the same tree from tesco last month too (+ it's a VERY good bargain :p), along with a £4 hazel tree aswell.

    My hazel tree is doing fantastic with lots of leaf buds starting to grow, plus lots of branches - but my rowan tree is still a long stick with no leaves or buds! I'm just wondering whether it's normal for it to still look like a stick (1 and a half metres high) at this stage or if it's not doing very well. Any advice much appreciated! :)