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Wilflower Field in our Garden


We're a couple of OAPs who love our birds and are fortunate enough to have some 3-4 acres of 'garden' in which to encourage them.  Last year, my husband managed to finally fulfil his long-held ambition of starting a wildflower patch on the field.  Our local town, Stone, has had great success in the last few years with Britain in Bloom and, with a good deal of help from fellow members of Stone In Bloom who in 2012 launched several sites of wild flowers in and around the town, last summer we enjoyed a wonderful new patch of colour absolutely buzzing with insects whenever the sun actually came out.  This year we hope to treble the area and the number of honey bees that have reappeared in the garden.  In August I took the attached photograph of a species of hoverfly that I hadn't seen before.  I think he's very handsome!  

I would recommend anyone with enough space to have a go at growing wildflowers.  The joy of seeing and hearing bees and insects making the most of the nectar provided is unbounded for me.


  • I so agree with you, Harry! About ten years ago we sowed wild meadow seed at the top of our garden partly for the prettiness and partly to save  mowing in summer!  For 9 years now we've had a huge range of wildflowers and two years ago discovered common spotted orchids had moved in. The insect life buzz in the summer has to be heard to be believed. The year before last we had a flock of goldfinches feeding on the seeds. The insect and bird life has been the glorious icing on the now only once a year mowing cake! It's not difficult: have a go even if it's only a small patch.

  • Hi Harry, a warm welcome from North Somerset also!

    Fantastic to hear that you are fulfilling such an amazing dream and there will be plenty of folk on here who are right there with you on this one!!

    I just wanted to remind everyone that you can grow wild flowers any where and although a massive meadow is everyone's dream a few feet will actually do also!

    My wild flower lawn is only about 30foot square I suppose and we are inundated with pollinators and amazingly new species year on year which is amazing!!

    It would be great to see some pictures Harry if you have some?

    In the mean time this is what a small area like mine can look like for anyone who's thinking they don't have the space...

    So no excuses now if your space is big or small you CAN grow wild flowers and our pollinators need you!!

    Thanks Harry and I look forward to hearing and hopefully seeing your dream develop further!?...

    Best regards
