Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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Can anyone advise, please ?

We live in a small riverside cottage whose garden is regularly submerged in brackish water - no problem to us because the cottage is on stilts - but we now have a problem in choosing some small trees or shrubs to plant which would allow the birds somewhere to nest and 'queue up' for the various bird tables and feeders in the garden.

Until last week we had a large conifer which served these purposes admirably but we live so close to the river that it became unsafe and was threatening to demolish the house, so the tree surgeon had to be called in to reduce it to a stump (upon which, we have put a bird bath).

The question I'm asking really is this ....... what would be the most suitable small evergreen trees or shrubs which would tolerate brackish water, wouldn't take long to get established and would be sturdy enough for the birds to enjoy ?  Or, alternatively, what could we grow in containers which would serve the purpose ?  We dare not let them get too tall or the same thing will happen again.

Can't bear the thought of Spring without our own personal 'Springwatch'.