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Wildflower lawn turf

There was an item on CountryFile about lawn turf with wildflower seeds already in it which required cutting only once a year. I tried this year to sew wild flowers out of several packets but without success so I thought I would try turf, as created by the experts. Having been on-line I can find nothing about it. The only firm I have found which deals with it, that I can fi, is not answering the phone. Anyu ideas anyone?

  • Hi Bobbie

    I was thinking of doing the same but haven't got round to it yet. I found this company who I think were the people used at the London Olympics. Hope this helps.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • You might find a few more options on the link here to the Flora Locale website directory of suppliers of native wildflower seed.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Ouch indeed!

    Over the years i've been experimenting with various wildflower patches, this summer just gone I tried a new approach by taking out a section of turf and scraoing away the top soil, sprinkling in a number of packets of seed (mostly freebies that I got from gardening shows and bargains from garden centres) as well as seed gathered from last years cornflower and poppy crops. The results were mixed, the wet and cold spring didn't help the first batch but the second batch flowered well into September. I hoping that it will seed up naturally again for next year but i've taken some more seeds this year to add in March or April should any gaps need to be filled.

    I'm also planning on trying to grow some yellow rattle, maybe some others, that I can add into the lawn as plugs. It usually requires the lawn to be scarified prior to adding the wildflower plugs.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I know Wiggly wigglers do a turf roll, what I do know is that you need 'unimproved' soil to make it really work

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J