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Something for the slugs

In the past I have had good results from doing this:-  You need to eat some grapefruit or large oranges and keep the empty halves.  Put a few slug pellets underneath the upside down half of grapefruit or orange and just prop it up a bit with a stone in one place.  This will prevent anything else eating the pellets but gives enough room for the slugs to crawl inside.  After a few days you can 'empty' underneath  and start again.  The skins are weather proof too. Move them about wherever you want and hey presto!  Result.

I have also been told that if you put a ring of sawdust around your plants the slugs will avoid it as it sticks to them and they hate it.  I haven't tried this but I believe it does work, you have to hope it won't rain with this one though.

I do hope that someone likes the ideas.

Carol (Devon)