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Trimming ivy

I've got a stump from and old lilac tree in my garden that is smothered in ivy.  I'm quite happy with this but I am going to have to trim the ivy back a bit as its now encroaching into my neighbours garden but when is it safe to do this without disturbing hibernating insects to badly?

The ivy has grown so much that I have lost a nest box and wind speed measurer in there!




I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • Ah never thought of the nesting bird side of it - too busy thinking of insects so thank you.  Sounds like a job for tomorrow if it stops raining.

    I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • I was going to cut back next doors ivy which has covered our shed roof just before last winter but when I lifted a bit up to start cutting it back I saw spiders,ladybirds and lacewings sheltering under there so just trimmed back where it was overhanging the roof. Also watched a blackbird hovering in midair to pluck the ripe ivy berries during the cold spell we have just had.

    A very old Shropshire Lad.