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Care of Buddleia Bushes

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 13/03/2011 05:16 in reply to Kezsmum

    hi Kezsmun

    Thank you for your link and I will write down notes and take action this week while Dave is at work.

    I like the idea of pinching the growing tips too to thicken the bushes,  I think the Buddleia bushes have had a chance to grow over a full year already as the house was empty for a while so the garden got a little wild and out of control.

    Chris: Thank you for your thoughts what to do and I know now the secateurs have to be used to tidy up the bushes first and foremost to the ground now

    Aftermath photos will appear here too.


    Kathy and Dave


  • Some useful tips here I need to remember for when my mini-buddleia arrive (which should be soon yay!).  I have quick question that I'll pop in here though (hope you don't mind blackbird!) - do birds eat buddleia seeds?

    I would give it a try at moving them, it's always worth a shot and you never know you might be successful.  Besides, nothing to lose!

  • KatTai said:
    do birds eat buddleia seeds?

    I'm pretty sure they don't, but I coud be wrong,  I've never seen it though - however, tits will poke about looking for insects, aphids mainly, which is a GOOD THING:-))

  • HI,  I have a totally different problem.  Can anyone advise if I should dispose of a Photinia that due to wind, snow ice  etc is now at a very strange angle and the roots are very loose in the ground.  Thank you.

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