Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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Let's see if this will work...

Have been doing some work on the patio and was looking at getting some climbers to create a bit more privacy...but then while clearing the patio I had a brainwave and pulled up some of the spirea and stuck that around the edge instead LOL  Some of it had roots attached...Not sure if they will take there but we had two bushes, dug one up and left it for a few months before we decided to replant it elsewhere and that did fine!  Also took some cuttings off the ivy and did the same with that, my dad did it once and that worked! 

I also need to get more bee boxes for next year, I currently have three.  The oldest is now dropping to bits and the other two the hotel is pretty much full or has recently been left.  Even saw some what I think are emerging bees inside several of the holes!