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A Stumpery created in less than 2 days !!

Hello friends,  as  I previously indicated Mike and I were keen to use the lovely slices of Oak trunk and logs which came from a dead Oak tree that had to be felled so we decided to create a Stumpery area for bugs, insects, birds inclusive so after preparing the area yesterday we spent the whole day toiling away to get this feature completed.    I can't tell you how heavy the Oak slices were and because of my weak right arm (tennis elbow) I had to rely on a lot of help and muscle from Mike, however between us we did really well and managed to roll (with a struggle ! )  a lot of the Oak into place.    I wanted to create an area for all wildlife so added perching twigs/branches and I nipped to the local garden centre to buy a wooden barrel which I could use as a bird drinking/bathing area amongst the stumpery.     Anyway, without further ado, here are the photos of todays work which was the main project day.    Yesterday we prepared the ground digging out a lot of top soil as the Oak had to sit bedded down slightly.

This is the area we chose at the far corner of the garden which is a mix of shade mostly but some filtered sunlight too.     You can just make out Mike by the area we used.

These are some of the large Oak slices and logs we incorporated in the stumpery ....

and yes, I did my share of the soil shifting yesterday  !!   This is the basic shape and we took the top soil down to a good 6 - 8 inches.

now the first Oak slices into place,   ignore the wooden barrel as that was repositioned to a different place once we got further into the project;   we used two wooden posts to help position the heavy Oak into place as you couldn't roll them straight on to the soil as they would have bedded in and not moved !     ...

and now a series of the progress throughout today ....

I wanted to place perching areas for the birds around the back of the stumpery and to the right hand side ....

You can just about make out the branches for perches and the wooden barrel now in place ....

Fortunately with such a large garden I was able to dig out some existing ferns to start placing in the Stumpery

We also added some other shrubs plants and three more ferns, one a large one with lots of unopened fronds

I placed a perch above the wooden barrel for the birds ....

this is a side view of the area which just kept growing   lol

The large Oak slice at the front had two rather nice ornate knots so we placed it front facing ........

it was the heaviest of all the Oak so we needed a tea break after getting this one in place  !!!

the addition of a plastic bendy bucket, cut down to size as a liner for the wooden barrel.    We added a double off cut forked tree branch which we

immersed in the water bucket so the smaller birds have somewhere to perch if they just want to drink and not drown  lol !

We added a log edge border and  a Pieris shrub I had spare   ............

View from the other side

and view from the front

you can see the perch I fixed above the water barrel

lots of secured branches lateral and vertical for the birds and we added shrubs to the background area

I will try add more photos as it settles and matures.     Just amazed we got so much work done today :)


Regards, Hazel 

  • LOL,  cheers Terry,  it was a mammoth task but we are pleased that we did got round to creating the stumpery and the birds seem to like it !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It didn't take long for the birds to visit, it shows how much they trust you, they aren't wary of changes. It all looks really good, I bet you feel proud of yourselves.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • What a brilliant idea Hazy, hard work but well worth the hassle and the enjoyment you will get watching all the birds among the logs bathing and feeding will make all the aches and pains better.  I think a log cabin could be just what you need down there, with of course chair and kettle to hand, along with the camera. lol

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks Hazel,  its just nice to see the birds already loving the area and we still have a couple more things to add yet although two more stumps have been added !   Tomorrows job is to drill a large branch off-cut with long narrow holes for a bug hotel which will be placed somewhere suitable in the stumpery !!  then it will be more flowers for bees/insects ..........and so on   lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thank you Gaynor,  maybe a pop up garden hide   lol,   the only problem I see is that I would spend so much time in it photographing the birds/widlife that I wouldn't get any house or garden chores done  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hazel, If you put up a new hide you could charge admission and be inundated with forum-ites!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Morning Hazy. I agree with Terry, the stumpery already looks like it's been there forever and it's looking fantastic. It's great to see the birds and Cyrils already claiming it as their own. You can't beat the feeling of satisfaction when you see your projects coming together and I think you must be feeling pretty good about this one, the two of you have done a cracking job. Even better still, you know thats it's only going to improve all the more as it settles in and matures. I'm looking forward to more updates as this happens. Great photos by the way.!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Hi Hazy (& Mike)

    Apologies that I haven't caught this thread before now but I've been a bit busy with my own garden and a few wildlife gardening features for my local wildlife group...

    The stumpery looks fab and it's amazing how it is maturing and already attracting so much great wildlife!

    I have been looking forward to seeing it since you mentioned your plans some time ago and it certainly doesn't disappoint!!

    Great work to both of you



  • Morning Higgy,  thanks for your kind comments,  it suprised us that once we got stuck in and managed to shift the Oak it didn't take long to create this area.  I still want to do a bit more planting and add a bug hotel !  but like many of the other features, work continues on them as the seasons progress !    I was looking at your pond area, it is fabulous and looks like the wildlife have found their new home already :)   well done.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Your stumpery looks fantastic Hazy, well done both of you, and that was months ago I bet it's absolutely thriving with all sorts of wildlife now.


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
