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Tree Surgery - photos

Tree Surgeons arrived today to take down one huge oak branch which had split down the middle during the recent bad storms, so for those interested in garden maintenance  lol   here are the pics ;)

The branch in question which we would normally need Council permission to cut down, however as this was dangling precariously over the summerhouse, we were able to get this branch and surrounding felled without formal consent.   

probably close to 100ft high and the branch somewhere around 35ft

and now the next photos are for the ladies    lol    feast your eyes !

The wonderfully skilled tree surgeons ....

Nice :)    lol

It was twice as high as this bit of the tree !!

sorry, sky turned pretty grey and the pic is not the best - the guy working is so high up in the tree, way above the branch to be cut as he has to tie it in several places so as to swing it away from the summerhouse ..................which they did, missing it by      Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh     inches   lol


Regards, Hazel