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Spoiled for choice of garden.

I have taken charge of the family garden now that my widowed mother has moved to a care home. I know next to nothing about gardening and wildlife. I have however borrowed a copy of Adrian Thomas' "RSPB Gardening for Wildlife" from my local library and although this medium sized garden is chiefly full of weeds I hope with the help of this book and the information on RSPB websites and the contined generous help of my family (who have gardens of their own) to turn things around. In theory I'm spoiled for choice as to what I grow - in reality I will be somewhat hindered by ignorance, inexperience and a lack of cash. I suppose December is a good time for planning.
  • Hi Higgy,

    I thought you'd have chosen plants to benefit wildlife but you have done so and then some. What a marvellous selection! I must say that I am envious. Today is the Big Garden Birdwatch, of course, and tomorrow. Mum and I used to watch together but now she is a resident in a care home and not well enough to take part. You'll surely see some very interesting animals.

    All the best,


  • Hi Higgy,

    You'd asked whether I was considering shrubs and trees in my garden. If I could add anything to the few we have already it would be a white and a purple lilac. The perfume is lovely. We just don't have room.

    Best wishes,
