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planting a new bed


I have a circular bed about 8ft wide to replant with plants for pollinators. I have some lavender to edge it with but need some ideas for the rest of the planting.


  • Im  lucky that I already have lots of shrubs in the borders and we back onto fields. I have decided to use some lavender plants that I have grown to edge the bed. I also have 5 Buzz budlejas so will plant them as well. I have some pinks that I could also use so  I won't need too many more plants. It's surprising what plants  I had when I started looking!Sorry  I hadn't replied before. I asked for an email when someone replied but didn't get one. Excuse typing as my tablet doesn't like this site at all.

  • It would be good to plant something for autumn flowering, jazzcat. I have some gentians that come later and japanese anenomes and asters keep going till the frosts.