My Garden is really Quiet?

My garden is always packed with birds all day long. But the last two days not really any birds at all. Has anyone else noticed it in their gardens?

  • Maybe the warm weather or perhaps something has spooked them.

    I can't say the same here by Southampton Water - our garden is full of young Blue tits, Great tits, robins, blackbirds, nuthatches and woodpeckers.

    Don't flap, don't panic. Jump.

  • Hi Twitch

    I have noticed it at this time of year before, but at the moment my garden is full or baby birds and their parents. It will be quieter later in the month though.

    The RSPB have advice about birds going missing at certain times of the year Here

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • In the hot weather over the last few days, my feeders are showing much less movement in levels and need topping up very little, compared to once a day for some and every two to  three days for the rest. All birds seem to be affected and even the Jackdaws and Starlings who love the insect flavour suet pellets are relatively scarce. One six port sunflower feeder is still almost full from the end of last week. I put out extra water, but that is also being mostly ignored.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Yes, my garden in west London is deserted. I posted a note to this effect yesterday but this site is new to me so I'm not very good at navigating it but my note is somewhere. However For the past three weeks (when I first realised) I have only seen one blackbird, one sparrow in my garden and one robin where I work. Now I'm looking everywhere in ernest and there are virtually no birds apart from a regular family of wood pidgeons. Even the ultimate survivors, the crows and parakeets, are nowhere to be seen. I spend half my day in the open air and there simply no birds to be seen. I'm worried.

  • Could we please have some idea of locations for the lack of birds? Is this a London effect or is there a lack of birds anywhere else? I have just spent about one and a half hours looking out of my office window and there are simply no birds to be seen.

  • Hi yes  very quiet here in my garden again. Not coming into land. Large groups of small birds go whizzing bye. Do you think the adult birds could be teaching the young survival? Showing them where they can find a range of food and just have some great flying lessons.  lol

  • You're very lucky to see anything whizzing by. I have carefully studied my area today and my tally is; two crows, a pair of magpies and one distant, and fleeting, flight of a small bird. Otherwise nothing but pigeons. Five birds in what is described as a 'leafy suburb' is not much despite Doggie's words of comfort. I shall keep my eyes peeled tomorrow.

  • Hi chisiwick I am uxbridge area. I have about 8 goldfinches still visiting my garden, a pair of collared doves and three pigeons. Haven't seen any other birds except a passing flock of starlings for a couple of weeks. There is a blog about where all the birds go in the late summer as it is common for them to lay low whilst moulting.

    They'll be back:)


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • The blog mentioned above is here

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Thanks Ian, couldn't remember whose blog it was, Sorry:(


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...