Your best three photos for the month of February 2018

It's that time again for your best three photos. Looking forwards to seeing them.

The January thread is Here for 2018

My three.


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  • Great start to the February pics Jim;   to be honest I'm struggling to find three that I haven't put up as I missed over half February with that miserable cough/flu virus so I'll have a scramble round the photo files  !!  

    I can start with one of a Treecreeper

    next choice is one of he Great Egret take-off at Leighton Moss 

    I liked the  morning lighting on the next two 

    and final choice the Little Egret landing 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Very nice Hazel, the Robin and Pintail were taken at Leighton Moss on the days you could not make it up because you both got the bug and we had better weather too.


    My Pictures

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  • Lovely photos, Jim & Hazel. I love your Kestrel, Jim and I always struggle to get anywhere near Treecreepers for long enough to get a decent shot, Hazel.

    My three favourites for February are:

    Whooper Swans at Loch Leven. I liked the different angles of the birds and the ‘steering with the feet’ technique of the middle bird. :-)

    Rock Pipit at Barns Ness, one of my (many) favourite birds.

    1st winter Herring Gull at Dunbar harbour. I had great fun with the 135mm lens and the markings on the different aged birds are just beautiful in my opinion.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Some super photos for February.

    My three have to be the herons getting busy nest building at Middleton Lakes and the green woodpecker that is now a regular visitor to our garden.

  • Excellent stuff from everyone.

    This is one of my better shots of a Nuthatch ... probably because it was just a few feet away at Leighton Moss!

    Another close encounter ... well, as close as I get to Goldeneyes

    And I do like GCGrebes so I'll include this almost mirror-like reflection


    Nige   Flickr

  • @ Paul, I can see why its one of your favourite birds, you have to zoom in on it to see why.

    @ Mike, gorgeous Green woodpecker.

    @Nige, love the Nuthatch and you can see all the letters on that ring.


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  • Lovely photos from everyone. I forgot to post my three - nothing too exciting as I've not been out much.

    Snipe at Slimbridge

    A surprise Glossy Ibis also at Slimbridge which dropped in unexpectedly

    A Citrus Swallowtail butterfly from the RHS Wisley butterfly event. I'd not seen one of these before and I loved the markings



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Fantastic shots everyone! Here are my three from Feb:

    First up, much like Nigel, my aim in February, having failed in January, was to photograph Goldeneyes and their courtship behaviours and I finally did it.  


    My second is a Robin in full song at a local reserve

    Third spot is hard to decide between a Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. But I'm going with the Nuthatch because I just love their postures when clinging onto the tree.

  • Fantastic selection of great shots so far. Not many outings so far this year so a selection from 3 different days in Feb'

    Pretty LTT

    Female Chaffinch

    Female Goosander

    cheers  Terry

    my photo's here

  • With the Adders up & at 'em once more, I had to include one here.  This is Victory, we've been watching him for at least three years now

    Mrs WJ caught this little Treecreeper

    And it wouldn't be complete without reference to the ongoing Minsmerations - an awful lot of Starlings showing off


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