RSPB a charity or political organisation

Extremely disappointed to see the latest politically motivated comments on “X” forum.

Cant believe such a Royal charity is stooping so low.

  • I'm hoping that if Minsmere is negatively affected by Sizewell B ( or is it C ?) the RSPB have full financial accounts relating to the creation, maintenance and upkeep of the site and will then take a legal path.

    Because Minsmere is special.

    And not because Minsmere's mummy said so.

    Just my tuppence worth.
  • Sizewell C, Tuwit. And yes, Minsmere is special. I say so!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Blimey - a surviving Doggie post. I thought they'd all gone.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • It may have stayed because I start the thread Clare I don't think my replies survived though.
  • Surely the RSPB has every right and indeed duty to tell the truth about the environmental impact of any government’s policies. I would refer any critic citing the “Royal” nature of the charity to past comments of our present King clearly criticising governments of every political persuasion. Never has a government been so intent on misleading the public in this area.
  • Looking at this old thread reminds me that i've not seen any contributions from Seaman lately! Is anyone in touch with him?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good grief! I applaud the RSPB calling out this dishonest, mendacious government, both individually and collectively. They have nothing to apologise for: they were doing their job, attempting to draw attention to this government's dishonesty in dealing with environmental issues. When you look at how they have let the water companies get away with polluting our waterways, whilst they have shifted £billions offshore and into the pockets of foreign governments and the already rich in the form of dividends, and are planning to allow them to raise charges to the public on the pretence that that money will go to alleviate the pollution issues and now they plan to let housebuilders get away with polluting more waterways, prohibiting Local Authority Planning Departments from stopping them on the grounds of pollution, again leaving taxpayers to pick up the clean up bills.

    They are not being political: they are acting in accord with their charter and principles. I only wish that they hadn't backtracked later, but I am sure that was down to the actions of Tories stuffed into their board of trustees.

    Simon Tucker

  • Not even when they are proven to be so?

    Simon Tucker

  • Paul B said:

    Let’s just agree to disagree.

    Luckily we live in a democracy.

    End quote

    So let's roll over, lie down and give in. Oh, and might get our tummies tickled, for a small fee because we're being obedient......

    There are times when fire has to be fought with fire.

