Hello all; staying with my mum; sorry to say have seen two birds with trichmonosis - horrible parasite, which stops birds being able to eat or drink. Infamous for decimating the greenfinch population but other birds can catch it too; in this case it was a sparrow and a male chaffinch, Have removed all bird feeders as per RSPB advice, but very worried they will all just now starve. We have no snow at the moment thank goodness, but my mum's garden has literally hundreds or sparrows and finches and tits and blackbirds, who are literally now flying at the windows to get us to give them food. Can someone reassure me they wlll be able to find food elsewhere at this time of year? Thank you.
Regards, Hazel
Cin J
That must be so tough to see, especially with how devastating trichomonosis can be for birds. Removing the feeders is a good step, though—it’s better to stop the spread and give them a chance to recover. Birds are surprisingly clever at finding food elsewhere, especially with no snow on the ground.
Your story about them flying at the windows made me chuckle a bit, though—it’s like they’re giving you the same look people get when you joke about taking away seconds at a buffet! It reminded me of some fat people jokes I heard the other day. Humor like that helps lighten the mood during stressful times.