A wood pigeon has been visiting us since the pandemic - she (we think she's a she) has a pink ring on one of her legs. My neighbour feeds her - the bird is very friendly and sits on the edge of a saucepan lid scattered with seed and pecks away. She likes my neighbour to hold the lid and she perches on the side and pecks. I've been feeding her over Christmas. I go to my neighbour's, open the back door, shout 'Woody!' and she swoops in for breakfast. She likes to sit on my neighbour's head but that's a step too far for me. Does anybody have any ideas where she may have come from? I"m a bit nervous of birds so it's strange to actually have a relationship with Woody and be so close to her, feeling her weight on the lid, totally confident I won't drop her. Such trust from a wild animal!
Pink ring would indicate Racing pidge www.rpra.org/.../
Cin J
Im from Warrington i raised a baby wood pigeon with a pink ring on her leg ..can ask which area this is?i always wondered if she made it in life
We're in south-east London Tom - and this pigeon (Woody as we call her) we first met maybe three and a half/four years ago. Would that fit?