Swan chat!

Hello, I’m new here. Just looking for a little advice.

My local village has a lovely pond. Loads of wildlife. Occasional problem with littering but in the near 40 years I’ve lived here there’s been no problems.

last year we had a couple of signets born (not uncommon). The parents were very protective and started running the other swans out of the pond. (Also not uncommon) usually within weeks things settle down however we have a group of 4 or 5 retired ladies who started to intervene and brought buckets of water to them in the car park away from the pond. At one point plastic padding pools were brought until the local councillor had them removed. Having spoken to the swan sanctuary they advised that people feed the swans in the water and to discourage feeding on the paths and car park. The group were luring the swans to the boot of their cars for a few weeks, taking pictures, giving them funny names ect and it was all completely out of control. However they have promised they will stop feeding in the car park last week. Low and behold the swans are starting to go back in the water.

This week one lady in particular has made her own Facebook page called “me and my swans” and is posting that one swan may have Angel wing (I’ve no idea, not a swan expert in the slightest) and needs better care so she’s looking to taking the swan and have it in her shed with a heat lamp!

ive spoken to the local councillor again who is trying to fast track some signs to be made for guidance to visitors on what to feed the swans and to feed them in the water. 
Because there’s no real criminal act happening the wildlife officer can’t do anything. It seems this group genuinely do care about the swans as they visit every day but I’ve never seen our village have this problem before.

anyone any ideas?

  • Sorry no one has replied. There are laws regarding wild birds and keeping in captivity. Worth also researching about swans in UK. Clearly, if it's just words so far, nothing can be done. Not surprised re putting signs up. Money is wasted here with signs, in the belief people in UK 21st Century take any notice of them. I'd be pleased to know if any new signs made a scrap of difference.