Is this a woodcock?

Driving down my driveway in Herefordshire at dusk, a pigeon sized bird was sat in the middle of the track. It was light grey with numerous dark spots, not flashes or streaks, all over and sporting a long straight beak about 1/2 the length of a curlew. Was this a woodcock?
It was reluctant to move off the drive. When it did fly off, it flew low to the ground, wing in ground effect, before diverting off into the surrounding woods.
I'm located on top of a 350m high hill, surrounded on three sides by mixed and ancient woods and a farm field on the fourth side. The river Wye is about 2 miles away on a direct flight. We have numerous buzzards, a pair of kites on an adjacent hill plus the odd peregrine or two.
Not sure if it was a woodcock as the colouring doesn't exactly match the RSPB's description. Any suggestions welcomed.