Flutter butter and chick feeding

Is it ok to feed ‘flutter butter’ to birds who are nesting ? Starlings love it ! I introduced the pods last year when the babies had fledged and had a great display of acrobatics . However I can’t see anywhere if it safe to feed parents when babies are small and in nest . Do you know ?

  • Yes, sorry it's veered away from the specific question. I didn't respond to that part as I don't feed the birds anymore. Stopped years ago due to a house sparrow conflict with the local house martins and swifts (apart from niger seed for goldfinches, redpolls and siskins). I didn't want to leave the often repeated claim about adult birds knowing best what to feed their young as it gets repeated far too often. Not singling anyone out as a lot of people repeat it as fact when evidence suggests otherwise. When it's caught on camera, experts who should know better, and incl people on TV, claim it's likely to be inexperienced adults.....as if blue tits are veteran breeders.