Starlings in eaves

 Starlings are in our roof eaves. Unfortunately they are very noisy and are disturbing us++. This has just started  - no history of Spring nesting. Whilst we are very happy to feed all our garden birds, these chaps are becoming a real nuisance. Any ideas how we can get them to roost/nest elsewhere! Access to the gap in the eaves where they are entering is difficult to for us to access (we are elderly). We have to do something because the noise is driving us nuts! We may have to get pest control in - any ideas?

  • I am unsure about rules for roosting birds in the eves/roof etc. Certainly for nesting birds, building etc, it is against the law to disturb, touch or interfere with the site in any way. This will bump up your post, hopefullysomeone will answer you.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • This has only just happened - November. There are plenty of Starlings feeding in the garden but the gap in the eaves has never been used for nests or roosts! We take a lot of trouble feeding our garden birds (we have lots)
    but have never had this problem before. Their "roost" is lterally just above our heads and the walls are thin! We would rather they find a suitable alternative because the noise is a problem.
  • You should be fine now if you can find a way of blocking their access - You need a man with a ladder and/or someone you trust to go up into your attic/crawl space to create a barrier otherwise come February you will not be able to do anything about it as they will have started nesting - the person who goes into the attic may need to remove material

    Cin J

  • I agree with Germain's post. I'd also add that putting up a nestbox for them in a more preferred location would also be good. Starlings continue to decline in many parts of UK.
  • I have a problem with 'nesting Herring Gulls' on my property damaging the insulating roof of my porch. All I can advise to prevent this problem is to feed birds 'away' from any 'vulnerable property'!
    However, I do feed these 'nesting Gulls' during the 'nesting season' in order to prevent a 'gull attack' to my person.

    If you want to feed and attract birds onto your property, I would strongly suggest that during the 'out of nesting season' you should assure that there are 'no entry points' for the birds to nest/roost within the 'confines of your building'. Removal of 'nest/roost' material can always be effected following the prohibition of 'entry points'.

    If we want to maintain our bird population, IMHO it should be within 'their' 'natural environment'. Otherwise, these birds become dependent upon the human population for food/sustenance.

    Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).