Jackdaw fledgling missing parents?

Hi all, today a jackdaw fledgling walked up to me as i was walking home, i gave it some water and some mealworms and it happily ate and drank. I hung around for a few hours watching from a distance and there were no sign of its parents, even though it continued to call for them. A few hours later i had a chat with one of my neighbours who said she had seen the bird yesterday morning further up the road on its own. I don’t believe it can fly, only glide. I’ve continued to keep an eye on it as it keeps going to sleep and i don’t want it to fall asleep in the road. We have a few jackdaws around this area and every time one of them caws even if far away the fledgling calls back, but i haven’t seen any adults approach it this entire time.

has anyone got any advice for what to do here? do i just leave it? will it learn to fly on its own?