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A question for all forum users about the home page

Just recently we have been contacted by a few members of the forum who have been having issues with the home page and we have also noted a few threads and comments on the same topic. The main concerns are that interesting topics may get buried and questions may go unanswered. As we cannot make any technical changes to the forum, we wanted to run a suggestion by you to see what you think about an idea that may help to improve things.

On the home page you will notice that we can make certain threads sticky. What we are proposing is that the moderators during their daily patrols around the forums select interesting threads from around the site and make them sticky for a day to allow ease of viewing. We would welcome your feedback on this idea.

Best wishes

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I would agree Aiki (now) it is getting going as it should have been last week,  Alan

    always many sides to an argument

  • Well I was a bit surprised to find this topic here since it had already been discussed here  and here     and here

    I was also rather surprised that a link to this topic was not put on the Loch Garten Group since it so clearly applies to it.


  • Yes agree on both counts Tiger and especially with regard to a link on LG Group.

  • Hazel b said:

    Well I was a bit surprised to find this topic here since it had already been discussed here  and here     

    I was also rather surprised that a link to this topic was not put on the Loch Garten Group since it so clearly applies to it.



    Interesting, Tiger, that your first link is to a thread started my a member of the LG Group complaining there are too many threads in the group.


    As for your point about not being a link on the LG group home page, this thread was made a sticky on the Community Home Page. This home page is for all members of the Community. If they chose not to use it, then they also chose not to see stickies containing announcements and useful information. Their loss.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan H said:

    Well I was a bit surprised to find this topic here since it had already been discussed here  and here     

    I was also rather surprised that a link to this topic was not put on the Loch Garten Group since it so clearly applies to it.



    Interesting, Tiger, that your first link is to a thread started my a member of the LG Group complaining there are too many threads in the group.


    As for your point about not being a link on the LG group home page, this thread was made a sticky on the Community Home Page. This home page is for all members of the Community. If they chose not to use it, then they also chose not to see stickies containing announcements and useful information. Their loss.



    Yes but I think it would only be fair it you also reported that she changed her mind in this post.



  • A suggestion. Why could there not be a Welcome to new members thread?  It works in other places.

  • Because we already have an "Hello" forum, where new people introduce themselves and we all welcome them. Didn't you know this?

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan H said:

    Because we already have an "Hello" forum, where new people introduce themselves and we all welcome them. Didn't you know this?

    Well I must have known at some level because I have posted there. But the answer is I did not knowlingly that.

    What I had in mind was a welcome thread that could go on and on maybe as a sticky, maybe not.


  • Hazel b said:

    What I had in mind was a welcome thread that could go on and on maybe as a sticky, maybe not.

    That is probably a good idea as the Hello forum is pretty well buried for a new member to find. Problem is too many stickies clog up the home page and it seems that no technical changes to the forum format are possible just now.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • ClaireM said:

    So the Loch Group were out posting everyone else by 11 to 1


    Quantity does not necessarily equate with quality

    [/quote]Claire I understand what you are saying but quantitiy speaks for its-self. People are interested and know where to post.

    The interaction of the LG forum is brilliant. Facts, discussions etc. I think it is great and why should it change and not aimed at you Claire at all :)

    I will be blunt, the LG Group is sucessful and please all do not criticise as I like the Community.  Seems too many people criticise and then when the mods suggest something then dismissed. Why moan and then not even willing to try a suggestion.

    I feel for the Moderators as any suggestion is dismissed.