Can't load photos again and the site has gone on a go slow, just like the weekend

I am really sorry, I don't know where I am supposed to post this because I understand most of the threads on this subject have been locked. But I am finding it impossible to load a photo and the site is so slow, it's just the same as it was at the weekend. Is there any progress? Or shall I just forget the forum for a few days and check later in the week? When I joined a few weeks ago, this forum was a joy to use and I met loads of new people on line and was having such a good time. It couldn't be more different now. Anyone who has joined over the last few days must wonder what is going on.

bye for now

  • Wednesday morning and yet again, I still can't load a photo. Can this please be addressed urgently? Eventually I suppose I will just give up on the forum. It's great looking at everyone else's photos, but every page takes several seconds to load, so even that is becoming far too frustrating.

    bye for now