Can't load photos again and the site has gone on a go slow, just like the weekend

I am really sorry, I don't know where I am supposed to post this because I understand most of the threads on this subject have been locked. But I am finding it impossible to load a photo and the site is so slow, it's just the same as it was at the weekend. Is there any progress? Or shall I just forget the forum for a few days and check later in the week? When I joined a few weeks ago, this forum was a joy to use and I met loads of new people on line and was having such a good time. It couldn't be more different now. Anyone who has joined over the last few days must wonder what is going on.

bye for now

  • It's still working fine for me but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that hasn't had an issue with site speed (though my computer at the moment is running desperately short of memory lol).  Hopefully it will be up to speed again soon for you!

  • Same for me Carolyn. I was elated yesterday afternoon when it suddenly speeded up and I could post photos. Today normal bad service has been resumed and I am depressed again. I really must get a life. LOL

    At least they have now recognised there is a problem and are hopefully addressing it.

    This thread will probably get locked again.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • TJ you weren't stalking me close enough! I am still having no problems.

    You are right. The thread will get locked just like the others.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Carolyn - please hang fire and don't let it worry you. It will all get sorted - I have decreed it!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Its excatly the same for me gave up trying to upload photos and do a thread The site has been very very slow for the last week for me

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Jeez it's doing my head in....everytime I log in it takes a good 5 minutes !!!! and then every thread I try to read takes a good minute or so to load!!!! I've had enough now, so will give it a week and see what happens. Off camping for the rest of the week now, so when I get back on Sunday IT WILL be sorted won't it ???


    See Ya ;-)

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • I will hang fire Linda.

    I am not trying to start a new thread to be difficult.

    PLEASE MODS if you read this - to a new member, this locking and merging of threads is so confusing, I don't know where to look to get the latest technical information. If you would like to lock or delete or merge this thread (or whatever is done with threads you don't want to continue), could you please tell me first where I can check up on the current technical information? None of the menu items on the site look even vaguely like they would contain this information. Perhaps we need a 'having trouble with the web site?' button which links to the latest information from you. I expect it is obvious to you who look at the site every day where to look, but it isn't very clear to me I am afraid and when the site is running slowly, trying to check every thread with the word 'slow' in it or 'upload photo' takes forever because every page refresh takes forever.

    This is not a complaint, I am sure you are doing whatever you can to put things right and I am also sure you have many demands on your time. But I am wasting hours and hours a day trying to read hundreds of posts in the hope that I will come across the information I require and I would like your help.

    bye for now

  • Hello Carolyn

    I am getting the same go slow at the moment, it is frustrating.  I hope the mods will sort it out soon



  • Hi Jenny and Carolyn and everyone else who is having probs,

    Graham Bird has stated the problem is being investigated, a bit late in the day?

    Perhaps the site should be closed down until the issues are sorted?

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • I'm still not having problems with either the page loading or photos. Isn't it weird!

    We had very similar problems on the old website. They never did get the problems sorted properly, so there was no option but to splash out on new hardware and software. It is ironic really.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr