R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Unknown said:
    • A lonely Yellow-legged Gull
    • suddenly flew into Hull
    • "Ay up that's queer
    • said a man by the pier
    • I've heard there's a Caspian in Mull"


    That was easy. I await my award

    And here it is egg egg yolk white

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Unknown said:
    TJ I think you have won a Scrambled Egg Award with that one matey :)

    More likely a hard boiled one, Rhona.

    Verse two

    • The story of love is
    • they met in Glenrothes
    • Courtship ensued
    • and produced a new brood
    • named Laurus seymouraves


    I think I've just addled the egg.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  •    Well done TJ. Eggcellent.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unknown said:
    That was easy. I await my award.

    Good one TJ. It made me laugh. :-))

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi TJ

    Nice ones they made me chuckle on what looks like a long slow night shift ahead.


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Cracked me up without being too corny, keep hatching them out



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Unknown said:

    TJ I think you have won a Scrambled Egg Award with that one matey :)

    More likely a hard boiled one, Rhona.

    Verse two

    • The story of love is
    • they met in Glenrothes
    • Courtship ensued
    • and produced a new brood
    • named Laurus seymouraves


    I think I've just addled the egg.


    You must be psychic. I once knew Glenrothes well. A hearththrob of mine from many years ago came from Glenrothes. I have also parachuted in the hills above Glenrothes.

    In fact one of the most frightening incidents of my life happened in Glenrothes.

    I had jumped in the morning and this girl called Shona came to meet me. It was always good to be met at the end of a jump as one had to get the chute deflated and packed up. .

    Anyway very late in the day Shona went for her first jump. Everything was marginal, light, cloud wind etc. She was second out of the aeroplane. Light was so marginal that the third person was not allowed to jump.

    As she floated down I ran to meet her. Suddenly the sky lit up. She had hit power lines and was left draped over  a line.

    This guy ran up and touched her. I do not think I have ever seen anything so frightening. Fortunately the line  was dead as two of the wires  had dropped to the ground and blew the fuses.

    Rather amazingly Shona escaped with a small burn to her wrist. No doubt she dines out on the story to this day.

    I remember seeing a report of the incident in whatever is the Glenrothes local paper. Apparently we had dropped in on "Goat Milk Farm"  The farmer was quoted as saying "This is always happening ...we had our power cut off by a parachutist last week too".






  • What a great story, Tiger. Real life is so often more dramatic than fiction. It must have been a heart stopping moment for you (and nearly for her) as you watched. Lucky it had a happy ending if not a romantic one. It made me chuckle that the farmer seemed more concerned about the interuption to his power supply than the wellbeing of the parachutists.

    As you realised I'm sure I chose Glenrothes simply because I was struggling to find something that rhymed with seymouraves in my feeble attempt at an appropriate limerick.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I see there is still no information on why all Good Eggs should have to lose their name badges although the feature is available on the software because moderators now have them. After all that has previously been said about the subject, to suddenly just withdraw them altogether seems churlish to me.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • So no one seems very pleased by all of this then?

    What I would like most is an opt out.  Or perhaps those people who want to compete should opt in.