R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

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  • Oh dear, Doggie.  I was trying to give you and Tiger 5 stars but mouse carried on and clicked on the report abuse button by mistake and I can't seem to undo that.

    Hope the mods read this.  The report abuse button is too close to the stars!

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Hazel b said:

     Or perhaps those people who want to compete should opt in.


    Tiger, What a good suggestion, I can't see this as a competition anyway.

  • It seems very strange that the whole basis of a competetiton was changed without anyone saying so.  There was no award given for May 2010 and not a hint of explanation why.

  • ClaireM said:

    Oh dear, Doggie.  I was trying to give you and Tiger 5 stars but mouse carried on and clicked on the report abuse button by mistake and I can't seem to undo that.

    Hope the mods read this.  The report abuse button is too close to the stars!

    No need to worry. I think that also applies to a number of buttons on the forum. Too many directly contradictory buttons are close together.


  • What I hate most about the good egg awards is that they stifle freedom of speech. One cannot  criticise the good egg awards without by implication offend those people who have won awards.

  • Hear hear Tiger. Exactly what I have been thinking.

  • I think that the 'GOOD EGG' winner on the whole was v helpful, (once you worked out what they meant), as they denoted folk that were consistantley helpful, friendly + generally fun on the forum. There are different kinds of folk that were awarded these, some friendly, some v good at id's, some good at garden birds etc. All adding to the lovely mix of folk that were acknowledged as helping make this forum, great.

    Unfortunately we have to remember that Good Egg winner does not a lovely 'poster' make - to everyone. We lost one of our jolliest members twice, due to the behaviour of one good egg. This person continues this treatment towards other posters here but thankfully this has not caused the same amount of upset, but is definaetly noticable :-((

    As such changes were really called for.

    My personal opinion is that if a good egg does not behave on the forum as a Good Egg should, then, they should have this award removed + only be reconsidered after a spesified period, for good eggness if the upsetting behavour does not reappear.

    I think its a shame that there is not a good egg 'label' sim to the mod one + see no reason why this can not be achieved. Enless it is not wanted by the mods.

    I think also if the Mods want too have a single post acknowledged as great, then well they can. But this is not an indicator to forum users that this poster is neccesarily a Good Egg,  consistantely friendly + helpful on the board.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • I really do agree with ClaireM, the report abuse button is far too close to the stars. After they all they couldn't be more opposite in their meaning. And with all the latest gadgets enabling you to access the web, it's all too easy to click on the wrong thing if it is nearby. I suggest moving the report abuse button and making it a bit more obvious.

    I wish the moderators would listen to all the comments about the good egg awards. Everyone is making so much sense. Please moderators (if you see this) if you look up 'good egg' on the web, it invariably means a 'nice person'. On our forum an award with this name should show just that. Someone who is friendly, helpful, encouraging and approachable to other members of the forum, and specifically with regard to bird protection, someone who cares for birds and helps promote their welfare. How can one post reflect all those facets of a member's personality? Please reconsider your decision for the good of the forum.

    bye for now

  • Sarah I have given you five stars for that post.

  • Sarah, I would also give you 5 stars but Tiger beat me to it.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr