How do you contact the administrators of this forum!


Hello Administrators, please contact me regarding an injustice that is being carried out by a longtime member of this forum. You are about to loose a lot of members because of this persons behaviour.

Thank you

Good Evening all

Just had make my position very clear

This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

I raised this matter as

a. I was affected personally

b. I hate bully's and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone else's mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.

07:23 26/07/2010

Good Morning Moderators.

I have no interest if you Lock this thread or Delete this Thread, however I and others expect you to READ this thread Thoroughly! and make yourselves fully cognizant of the depth of unrest on this forum.

As a professional organisation I expect you to deal your forum members complaints Professionally.

It may be the case in the past that you have been able to ignore individual members complaints, writing them off as childish or a clash of personalities, or at most playground tactics In this instance that will NOT be an option.

If you had moderated this forum properly, you would have been aware of the undercurrent, and the provoking behaviour of this individual, and not disappointed everybody by your failed grasp of the situation and wrong censuring of a victim of this horror of an individual.

I will be away for the rest of the day, but look forward to reading your email on my return

  • I joined this forum on 21st August last year and was a very active poster until the 6th April. The reason I no longer post has been more than adequately explained by the posts before me on this thread.

    I am a Moderator on one forum and a Super Moderator on a second forum. If the person in question had behaved like this on either of those forums, the person would have been banned/barred/deleted long ago.

    I appreciate this forum is passively moderated but there is passive and then there is this... if you need an Active Moderator I am available!


    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Squirrel B said:

    I joined this forum on 21st August last year and was a very active poster until the 6th April. The reason I no longer post has been more than adequately explained by the posts before me on this thread.

    I am a Moderator on one forum and a Super Moderator on a second forum. If the person in question had behaved like this on either of those forums, the person would have been banned/barred/deleted long ago.

    I appreciate this forum is passively moderated but there is passive and then there is this... if you need an Active Moderator I am available!


    I don't think we 'met' before but I noticed your posts, Squirrel, and it's really nice to see you back. Please stick around :)


  • Hello everyone

    I too am quite new to this forum and I know it sounds childish but I have sometimes found the undertones on the forum to be quite scary, to the extent that sometimes I don't post when things seem to be going through a bad phase.

    Please can it be sorted, I hate confrontation and bad feelings.


    What a wonderful world :))

  • Morning all, or should I say afternoon!

    May I say no one should be treated the way some of the members on here have been without some sort of response from the Moderators.  This really does need to stop now and some action taken.   There have been so many lovely people pushed out from this forum either because they have been singled out or because they don't appreciate what they are reading and don't wish to be part of it.  Luckily some have risen above it and have refused to give in and quite rightly so as this is a place for everyone.

  • Hello All,

    I have received emails from other members of this forum, detailing horrid abuse and bullying by this individual on other forums. I am saddened to read you have suffered so!

    Some of you mentioned contacting the police ! I am afraid this type of forum situation is a matter that the police wouldn't involve themselves in, however I do urge you all to contact the administrators of the respective forums including this one here, and tell them exactly what you are telling me.

    I have yet to receive a reply to my email to the RSPB, however when I do I will let you see it, I am adamant that this process is transparent so that it is clearly seen and understood that this is a genuine complaint in response to comments typed, and not some playground squabble !

    We are dealing with a thoroughly reprehensible individual who stalks other forums in many guises,

    Please, please, do not be afraid ( I know some of you genuinely are ) contact the administrators here, evidence your complaint !

    Now I am away out to photograph some Big Birdies, and I don't mean the sesame street ones.

    Have a great day you lot, don't let others bug yer happiness

    corrected typo, should have read Police wouldn't get involved

  •  Crow I have had experience of  this members hijacking of my post with insensitive comments but choose to ignore them. I would say to this person, live and let live and don't have the attitude " Everyone is entitled to an opinion as long as it's mine"

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Hi Rhona

    Thanks for keeping us posted and for all you are doing to resolve this.

    I couldn't agree more with you.   

    The great thing is that this forum is made up of a really strong group of good, kind and generous people.

    I am sure by  being open, supporting each other and sticking together this will get sorted out.

    Jaimie xxx


    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • Yes, thank you Rhona for trying to tackle this issue.

    I am not going to comment further as I feel bruised, battered, disappointed and disgusted enough already.



  • Judi ..... absolutely priceless!!!!

    I would also like to add my thanks to Rhona. Let us all hope something will be done before we lose more lovely people.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr


    Hi guys,


    I'm baffled now-:) Unless I've just not been on any hit list, have I missed some obvious open harrassment?



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box