Greetings secret purple RSPB web pixies,
I enjoy the site very much, but might I politely request that the four buttons-Blogs, Forums, Galleries and Groups, plus "previous" and "next" be placed at both top and bottom of the page, in order to save us from furiously scrolling back up each time? And maybe a facility to italicize?
Many thanks,
Kezmo, you're a genius!
Many thanks all.
Well who'd have thought this would be the place to come for computer tips. Well done all those that have offered some.
Just to add my own. Most have been covered, but if you are interested in ctrl short cuts you can learn them by opening a word document and on any of the menu options that have a short cut the ctrl and letter will be next to them on the list.
Had forgotten about home key though so as they say every day is a school day.
Thanks all.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...