Emoticons - Smileys

How about adding a facility for showing a Smiley to indicate that a comment is intended as a light hearted reply  - ie not intended to be taken too seriously (or cause offence)?

  • Smilies are fun.  But be very careful about downloading 'random' or extra ones.  I did that once and we ended up in loads of trouble.  Luckily nothing went missing, but the virus took ages to find and kill and it cost us quite a lot of money.  My OH was not best pleased.  In fact I don't think I told him who had started it.... :0)

    December 21st is a great day - the sun starts to come back to us and spring is in the air!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 27/02/2011 22:41 in reply to Pepa

    I feel that there is a few issues that need to be sorted with the server setup before we think of the end user products at the moment

    Being fired out of the Forum on a daily basis.... takes pretence over smilies.

    We all need to feel we can post on here and not have any posting problems to deal with at all.

    Pepa: Good advise! {smile}


    Kathy and Dave